Presentation of International Conference by Kiwamu Maki

Presentation by Kiwamu MAKI at international conference

K.Maki, S.Iijima. An Examination of the Validity of Judd’s Four Principles of Color Harmony in Streetscape Evaluation, Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the International Colour Association (Kyoto), pp.687-690, 1997

In recent times, as importance of color control in a streetscape is increasingly recognized, the color harmony should be studied in order to apply to color planning.
In this study, various feelings of the scale models that have color variations on wall colors were evaluated using semantic differential method. The evaluated feelings contain the scales of the four principles of color harmony by Judd,D.B. ( principle of "order", "familiarity", "similarity", "unambiguity"), "harmony" and other impressions relate with streetscape evaluation.
As a result of this experiment, "order" and "similarity" feeling show high correlation with the "harmony" feeling, but "familiarity" and "unambiguity" feeling have low correlation with that. This result leads us that the color harmony feeling is based on "similarity".
Furthermore, it is indicated on factor analysis that "preference" and "beauty" relate with not only color harmony feeling but also the factor "cheerfulness".

The self-governing bodies which establish guide lines of streetscape color have increased in Japan recently. However the movement to establish the regulations of streetscape color isn?t active. The authors consider that the one of main reason of that is the rareness of basic data of color harmony in streetscape.
In this study, the validity of four principles of color harmony by Judd,D.B. in streetscape is experienced. The principles are well-known that it has essence of main theories of color harmony. They are as follows.
(1) The principle of order
(2) The principle of familiarity
(3) The principle of similarity
(4) The principle of unambiguity

The streetscape models which have various kinds of color building are evaluated by the subjects in the experiment. (Figure 1)
The exposed streetscape models are consist of a street model and five color office building models which scale are 1/100. The street model has a road of 3 traffic lanes in front of the office buildings. The subjects look the fa溝de of buildings from the opposite side of the road in the experiment.
The color of building models are selected from British Standard, 8 from each color series, C33 (high value, low chroma), C36 (middle value, low chroma), C39 (low value, low chroma), D43 (middle value, middle chroma), and 4 from 00E (achromatic color). The total of building color is 36.
The total color pattern of five office building models is 84 (Table 1). They are arranged to make the evaluation of order, familiarity, similarity, unambiguity, harmony and other impressions various.
The 28 subjects [student 26 / member of society 2, man 20 / woman 8] evaluate 18 semantic deferential scales (7 grade). The four scales "similarity" "order" "familiarity" "unambiguity" which correspond to four principles by Judd,D.B. are included in 18 scales.

3-1. The relationship between the judgement of harmony and the judgement of four principles
As a result of factor analysis, three factors are obtained. They are represented by the "similarity" and "order", "cheerfulness" and "bright", "unambiguity" and "strong". (Table 2)
The loadings of Factor 1 which has large relation with the scale "harmony" are very large of 0.9 on "similarity" and "order". This result tells us that the principle of similarity and order relate with the judgement of "harmony" deeply, and each of them is enough to express the judgement of "harmony". Furthermore the correlation coefficient between the judgement of "similarity" and "order" is high value of 0.95. It tells us the two principle have same meaning in this experiment, so that there is no need to distinguish the two principles.
As opposed to these principles, the loadings of Factor 1 is middle of 0.5 on "familiarity" and near by 0 on "unambiguity".

These results concluded as follows.
(1) There is small need to distinguish the principle of "similarity" and "order" because subject?s judgement of "similarity" and "order" has very little deference.
(2) "harmony" has almost same meaning as "similarity" and "order".
(3) "familiarity" and "unambiguity" aren?t needed to explain the judgement of "harmony".

3-2. The relationship between the judgement of beauty and the judgement of four principles
According to table 2, "beauty" has a large loading not only on Factor 1 but also Factor 2. It means harmony is only one item of beautiful streetscape, and beautiful streetscape must not only be harmonized but also cheerful or bright.

4. Discussion
The results of above show us that only the principle ofsimilarity is enough to explain "harmony". This is seemed to be different from the past color harmony theories. But, It would be able to explain the three other principles by the principle of similarity.
(1) What does the principle of order show?
The most popular example of principle of order is some colors which are equal interval on hue circle of same tone. On the result of this experiment, the colors in a same tone is important but isn?t important in a equal interval. Table 3 is an example that shows importance of tone. Pattern A and pattern B are consist of same five color buildings, but the order is different. The rating of "harmony" and "preference" did not change on Pattern A and Pattern B even though they have the difference which fulfilled the principle of order or don?t. The rating difference is much smaller when we compare it with the difference between Pattern A and pattern C. Pattern C is consist of the color which are equal interval on hue circle but different tone.

(2) What does the principle of familiarity show?
It is said that the color pattern in the nature has harmony because we are used to see it. The most popular example of principle of familiarity is the colors in an evening glow. This example surely exists in nature and harmonized, but they are also consist of similar colors. We can interrupt that this example is harmonized because of the similarity of colors, too.
(3) What does the principle of unambiguity show?
It is not strange that unambiguity shows very small corelation to harmony because unambiguity is the opposite idea of similarity. The most popular examples of the principle of unambiguity are the contrast color pattern of hue, of value, of chroma. But most of these examples are same on the two attribute of three and different (unambiguous) on only one attribute. We can interrupt that the harmony feeling are not from unambiguity but from similarity of colors . It is guessed that it would be preferred that two attribute is same and one attribute is different than three attribute are same because the different attribute let the interest increase.
To be described above, these three color harmony principles are able to be re-interrupted to be based on the principle of similarity.

(1) The harmony feeling is based on the similarity feeling in streetscape.
(2) The beauty feeling is not only based on harmony feeling but also on cheerfulness feeling.

1) Masao Inui : Kentiku-no sikisai-sekkei (Color Design of Buildings), Kajima Institute publishing co. ltd., 1976 (In Japanese)
2) Judd,D.B. : Color Harmony -An Annotated Bibliography. NBS. Letter Circular, LC.987.1950. Abstractor's comment

S.Iijima, K.Maki. Cross Cultural Study of Affective Meanings of Colour, Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the International Colour Association (Kyoto), pp.719-722, 1997.

K.Maki, S.Kobayashi, Y.Nakamura, M.Inui. The Hierarchy of Words Used in the Evaluation of Environments. 15th Conference of the International Association for People-Environment Studies (Eindhoven), 1998.