
ワークショップ「作ってみよう!original card withシーリングスタンプ」を開催しました(日野常磐祭)

ワークショップ「作ってみよう!original card withシーリングスタンプ」を開催しました(日野常磐祭)

所長 髙橋桂子

 シーリングスタンプをご存じですか? これは重要な書類が宛先以外で開封されていないことを証明するためのものです。本学図書館に所蔵されている学祖?下田歌子の関係資料にも濃い朱色のシーリングスタンプで封をとじられた手紙がのこされています。最近は、プレゼントのクオリティをあげるツールとして感度の高い若者たちの人気になっていて、生活雑貨の専門店などではシーリングスタンプ用グッズが所狭しと並べられています。

 その一つとして、日野キャンパスの常磐祭(11/9-10)では、昨年度に続き髙橋ゼミの学生の協力のもと「作ってみよう!original card withシーリングスタンプ」と題したワークショップを開催し、来場者の皆様に“創作のひととき”を楽しんで頂きました。お天気にも恵まれ、小さなお子様から中高校生、そして中年?ご高齢の来場者にいたるまで大変多くの皆様をお迎えできました。「見本」として作成して展示していた完成カードには目もくれず、好みのシーリングスタンプにラメや真珠型のシール、マスキングテープを使って世界にひとつのオリジナルカードをとても熱心に創っていらして、担当した学生が「先生、お昼ご飯、食べられませんでした!」というほどの盛況ぶりでございました。




Workshop “Let's make an original card with a sealing stamp” was held at the Tokiwa Festival on the Hino Campus

Keiko Takahashi

Do you know what a sealing stamp is? It is used to prove that important documents have not been opened by anyone other than the intended recipient. There are also letters with rich red color sealing stamps in the collection of materials related to the founder of our university, Utako Shimoda, in our university library. Recently, sealing stamps have become popular among young people as a tool for improving the quality of gifts, and specialist stores selling household goods are now crammed with goods for sealing stamps.

A research group “Shimoda Utako and Economy” of our institute has been taking various approaches to make more people aware of Shimoda's activities, which included her experience of traveling abroad, unusual for a woman at the time, and her return to Japan with new ideas about women's education. As one of these approaches, we held a workshop titled “Let's make an original card with a sealing stamp” at the Tokiwa Festival on the Hino Campus, with the cooperation of students from the Takahashi Seminar, and visitors enjoyed the “moment of creation”. We had beautiful autumn weather both days, so we were able to welcome many people, from small children to junior high and high school students, and also middle-aged and elderly visitors. It was so crowded that the students in charge said, “we didn't get to eat lunch!”

At the exit, we conducted a short survey on behavioral economics. First, we asked “If you were to put a price on the work you made yourself, how much would it be?” (Q1), and then followed up with “If it was sold in a store as a ready-made product, how much would you be willing to pay for it?” (Q2). Over the two days, we received responses from 187 people (44 men, 143 women). The average price was 433 yen for men in Q1 and 279 yen in Q2, and 501 yen and 245 yen for women respectively. The results showed that both men and women were willing to pay more for items they had made themselves. Perhaps this is because they have a strong emotional attachment to their creations. It was a happy weekend where we were able to see the students making full use of their experience and resources, and interacting with every visitors in a friendly and cheerful manner. We were able to reconfirm the high level of human skills of Z generations' students.

We hope that this workshop at the Tokiwa Festival will be an opportunity for everyone to learn about the thoughts on women's education that our founder, Utako Shimoda, gained through her travels abroad, and also about the initiatives of our institute today.