所長 髙橋 桂子
VUCAの時代を生き抜く学生たちが備えるべき資質?能力は、literacy からcompetencyへ、competencyからcapabilityへ、そしてcapabilityからagencyへと概念が深化しています。私たちは大学生を、予測不可能な時代を生き抜くことが出来る、強く、しなやかで、逞しく、そして他者と適度な距離感を保ち、自分の意見を発言することができる女性へと成長できるよう支援してまいります。そのためにも、学生の皆さんには大学時代、これまでの殻を破る敢えて居心地の良い空間から飛び出してみる経験をして頂きたいと思います。オープンマインドで、思慮深く、感性溢れる「内に剛、外に柔」の素敵な女性に成長できるようサポートしてまいります。
The Shimoda Utako Research Institute at Jissen Women's University was established in 2014 and renamed the Shimoda Utako Memorial Center for Research on Women in 2018. It was intended to learn from the spirit of Utako Shimoda, who sought to find a way of life suitable for women in the Meiji and Taisho eras and share it with people at large. We conduct investigative research and collect materials related to the history of Utako Shimoda and/or our educational institute, and carry out interdisciplinary and comprehensive research on women and their social status.
In recent years, we have been engaged in projects such as research on the various schools for girls that Shimoda was involved in establishing, leadership training at women's universities in North America and Asia, research on career education and economic independence, and collaboration with women's universities inside and outside of Japan. The results of our research and activities are published in annual reports, and we invite you to look through them.
We celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Center's establishment in 2023, and on October 8th, we held a symposium titled "Women Change Society, Change the World" at the Shibuya campus, commemorating Utako Shimoda's death (please refer to News Letter No. 22 for more details).
Qualities and abilities that university students should possess to survive the age of VUCA are deepening from literacy to competency, from competency to capability, and from capability to agency. We are committed to helping university students grow into strong, graceful, and bold women who can maintain an appropriate sense of distance from others and express their opinions so that they can come through in these unpredictable times. To accomplish this objective, we want students to experience stepping out of their comfort zones and coming out of their shells at this university. We will support them as they grow into open-minded, thoughtful, sensitive, and wonderful women who are "strong on the inside, and gentle on the outside."
All of us at the Center are committed to its further development.
We sincerely appreciate your continued support.