シュニッケル?ジェイコブ教授 「Global Studies b」

Overview of Global Studies b
The theme of Global Studies b is “intercultural competence.” On the first day of the course, we analyze the parts of this phrase: “inter,” “culture,” and “competence.” Once we’ve understood each of these three components, we move on to consider Deardorff’s (2006) definition of “intercultural competence,” which provides a framework for our course:
“Intercultural competence is behaving and communicating effectively and appropriately in cross-cultural situations.”
The students work hard in the first three lessons to understand the meaning of intercultural competence and some other important concepts. They encounter challenging metaphors and vocabulary. This effort pays off, though, and the students move on to explore culture and intercultural communication through discussions, stories, clips from movies, essays, group projects and role plays. They write a reflection after each lesson and begin each new week by recapping the previous week’s reflection. The goal is to foster a sense of interrelatedness throughout the lessons.
Thoughts about the class

The course has evolved over the years, and the current flow of lessons and projects seems to work well. We’ve been fortunate to have had international students join Global Studies b several times, meaning students must engage in true intercultural communication. This has allowed our international students to learn more about Japan, their host country. And, in turn, our Jissen students have been able to learn about the cultures of other countries—China, Korea, and the Netherlands—while also learning about Japanese culture through their conversations.
Impressions of the award

While our students know how we teach our classes, our peers often do not. For this reason, I’ve always appreciated conversations with colleagues about teaching. The Best Teaching Award has provided me an opportunity to reflect more carefully on a course I care deeply about and to write about it in a way that might be interesting or useful to my colleagues. It is an honor to have received the award and to be able to communicate with the Jissen community in this way. In a broader sense, the Best Teaching Award provides a reminder to keep teaching and the student experience central in our minds.
Global Studies bの概要
Global Studies bのテーマは "異文化間能力 "です。初日には、この授業を構成する"inter"、"culture"、"competence"を分析します。この3つの要素をそれぞれ理解した後、Deardorff (2006)の「異文化間コンピテンス」の定義について考えます。
コースは年々進化しており、現在の授業とプロジェクトの流れはうまく機能しているように思います。幸いにも、Global Studies bには留学生が何度か参加してくれています。これにより、留学生は留学先である日本についてより深く学ぶことができました。また、実践生は中国、韓国、オランダといった他国の文化を学ぶと同時に、会話を通して日本文化も学ぶことができました。