発掘!! 下田歌子の英語論文
1914年に、雑誌『New York Japan Review』の3巻1号(1914年7月号)に学祖?下田歌子の英語論文が掲載された。論題は「Degrading Influence of Fashion」である。15から16ページにかけて掲載された2ページの内容は、女性の流行における弊害を扱った短い論文である。当館運営の下田歌子電子図書館にあるデータベースではこの論文はヒットしない。当然ながら、雑誌も所蔵していない。
この雑誌『New York Japan Review』は、誌名通りニューヨークで発行された雑誌であるが、詳細は不明である。雑誌の副題に「To Interpret Japan to America and America to Japan」(日本からアメリカへ、アメリカから日本への解釈のために)とあり、他誌から翻訳した記事を掲載しているようだ。編集者は、ニューヨークとサンフランシスコで活躍した弁護士、学者、ジャーナリスト、講師の宮川益治(Masuji Miyagawa)[1]である。
図1 英語論文
図2 原典と思われる『婦人世界』
Degrading Influence of Fashion / by Utako Shimoda
Miss Shimoda is an eminent woman educator in Japan, who was among the first who engaged in remoulding the women of Japan. She has served as professor in various women's educational institutions, particularly in Peerless School which shows the recognition of merit. - EDITOR.
IMITATIVENESS is the starting point in human society, says Spencer, the seer of England. It seems certainly reasonable that much of human being and human doing begins in chasing models and remoulding them.
Almost invariably woman is sensitive to fashion. She very reluctantly casts away whatever possessions? beautiful clothes or hair ornaments? she has, if they are behind the prevailing fashion. The trader's watchword, "This is most modern and now greatly in fashion," serves as a witch's wand, and woman is hypnotized completely.
The situation of a woman obedient to the fashion of the time is like that of the people of an absolute monarchy kneeling at the feet of a despot. Knowing that it is bad to follow the fashion, and knowing it, she cannot resist, but obeys the despotic compelling force.
Rarely is a woman unmindful of the fashion. It is the passion of woman to think of beauty of body, beauty of dress, beauty of ornaments, and beauty of all things? looking everlastingly for beauty, and to be its personification. There may be some women dependent upon social positions, circumstances or personal dis-position, more or less, extreme or moderate, but almost none, especially among young women of the age, who are not altogether susceptible to or unmindful of fashion.
The central feature of fashion is said to be at Paris, in Europe and America; but in Japan Paris does not control except in spots, where there are women of wealth or wives of diplomats. Japan's fashions usually originate at Tokyo in the east, and Kyoto and Osaka in the west. And as in Europe and America, the business men are the originators of the fashion, or at least the fashion on the go.
From the viewpoint of the business men, it matters not the financial circumstances of the buyers, nor do they care whether the community degenerates into waste and luxury. They have the singleness of desire and purpose, for which they toil and devote their time, and that is to increase their profit and to tempt, persuade and upset women who are easy and susceptible, to be victims of fashion. It is the business men's ideal to see to it that the color and stuff is made to the women's liking, and get as many women as possible together to dress and ornament themselves in fashion, and let them walk in the streets and appear at the various exhibitions, to look and to be looked at. They then dress the wax dolls with the most fashionable dress and ornaments, and with their rehearsed speeches and other prepared mechanisms, agitate and irritate the human minds of women. The fashion is self evidence to show the business men's success and the women's defeat. But the business men cannot afford to keep one kind of fashion. They are thinking of the next fashion when they are forming the new fashion. When will the end come? It might be different and less injurious with women of wealth, but what would be the consequence of such influence over the woman of mod-crate means, who, with limited income has to meet the expenses and finances of her home for her husband and members of her family?
It is not fair to say, destroy fashion; on the contrary, we need to sympathize with young women and their liking for fashions. But it may not be a useless task to occasionally go over what is the fashion, as we did, and to understand also that we need to consider (1) whether the fashion has a degrading tendency, (2) the changeableness of fashion, (3) all things in fashion cannot be suitable or adaptable for any one usefulness, (4) how lunch fashion influences the dis-position, (5) whether instrumental to develop the business men's scheme and victimize others into fashion.
At least it is desirable to be mindful of these things, and guard against our-selves not to be smitten by extremity.
Our country is now in the season of flowers. Beautiful flowers are in a race with the beautiful atmosphere of the sea-sons. Young women of the rank and file of the capital, of beautiful appearance, in flowery fascination, pack the banks of famous spots. We desire, at this season of fashion, that our little remark, "Degrading influence of fashion," may not be in vain.
劣化しているファッションの影響 / 下田 歌子(しもだ うたこ)著